07 September 2012

Daun Ajaib [ciptaan Allah yang maha kuasa]

Semoga kawan-kawan blogger mahupun bukan blogger [pembaca setia blog-blog di alam maya] sentiasa sihat hendaknya. Diberi kesihatan yang baik yang berpanjangan, Insya Allah.
Hargailah masa sihat sebelum hadirnya masa sakit... kannn...?? :-)
Kat sini saya nak share satu email yang saya terima dari kawan seoffice tentang satu daun ajaib [ciptaan Allah yang maha kuasa]. Terasa sayang jika tidak dikongsi bersama akan ilmu bermanfaat yang amat berguna ini. Kat luar sana ramai yang kurang bernasib baik menderita sakit kanser. Mungkin entry ini dapat manfaat kepada mereka.  
Apa-apapun...kita manusia hanya mampu ikhtiar dan merancang, hanya Allah yang mampu menyembuhkan...apatah lagi  mengambil balik nyawa yang hanya pinjaman sementara.
"I decided to share this with you guys. I was introduced this leaf by a
friend from Taiping, Perak. In Taiping, there are quite a number of cancer
patients recovered from cancer after taking this leaf, including last stage
of cancer and doctor already confirmed he/she only left few months life,
they all hopeless and tried whatever people recommended to them, surprising
after trying on the leaf, really can recover. Among them, some just took few
days, some a month, some few months depends on the seriousness and the
volume of the leaf that one taken! Sound very unbelievable, right!
Now getting more and more people in Taiping knew about this, and it slowly
spread to other states, that’s why now you and me also know about this!
Haha! and a lot of people started to plant it at their home, including me
after knowing it! there are some reporters from various newspaper publishers
interviewed the people who successfully recovered from cancer after taking
the leaf in Taiping, the news was published in papers early of this month
(in perak section only)
"I understand that the leaf is not only meant for cancer, it can heal cyst ,
tumor, etc – in fact, any type of ailment, in my opinion it actually good
at boosting our body immune system, when our own immune system is strong,
then it can fight and kill all virus and bacteria in our body!
You guys can search more infor from internet about this leaf."
Scientific name: Clinacanthus nutans
English name: Drooping Clinacanthus
Malay name: Daun Kalingsir
Indian name: Dandang Gendis
Chinese name: 优遁草
 Pictures: there are two type 1) small leaf 2) big leaf

Ok..entry berkaitan daun ajaib sudah dipublish, dengan senang hati saya dah boleh delete email dari rakan office saya itu.. Alhamdulillah.... biar bermanfaat untuk semua, Insya Allah.. 


  1. mmg byk ciptaan Allah s.w.t yg baek2 utk manusia ni tp kdg2 kite je yg alpa g cari bnda2 yg xelok utk diri sndiri..

    gud info, tq..

    1. Agree with you lov...
      Produk kecantikan segala bagai..
      Padahal tumbuhan-tumbuhan meliar banyak juga khasit dan kebaikan untuk kecantikan/kesihatan tubuh badan..

      Cume tak tahu je kot...kan..? :-)

  2. betul..stuju dengan Lov juge (^_^)
    and thanks for sharing diana! :)


  3. mane nk dpt pokok nie... btul2 perlukan.. tolong hubungi sy klau2 ade sekitar penang, kelantan n terengganu.. 014 5265073


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